Legal & Regulatory

Name and Legal Status

The firm is called CVG Family Law Limited. It is a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales with the company number 15007102. There is a sole director, Cora Valentine-Goddard.

Contact Details

The firm’s main place of business and registered office is 89 High Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1YG. Contact us there or using these additional contact details:

Telephone: 07984 782 713

E-mail: [email protected]

Our Regulator

We are registered in England and Wales with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which is the independent regulatory arm of our professional body, the Law Society. Our SRA number is 8007597. We are authorised and regulated by the SRA and must comply with the SRA Standards and Regulations and other regulations, details of which can be found, in English, at the SRA website,

Legal Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions which will apply to any work which we do for you will vary depending on the type of work. They will be sent to you with our engagement letter at the outset of your matter. If you want to see the terms and conditions before you instruct us, please ask for a copy from the person with whom you are dealing. All of our contracts for legal services are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

Professional Liability Insurance

We have professional indemnity insurance which complies with the applicable requirements of the legal services regulators in England & Wales. Our lead professional indemnity insurers are Travelers Insurance Company Limited, Bond and Specialty Claim, One Creechurch Place, London, EC3A 5AF.

Please refer to the Head of Risk & Compliance (Cora Valentine-Goddard) for further details of insurance.

Data Protection

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and our registration number is C1521150. You can view our privacy policy on our website or a full version is available on request.

VAT information

CVG Family Law Ltd is VAT registered with number 386443761.


We take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of our client’s information. We are however aware of the possibility of Cyber Crime and the sending of emails, designed to look like genuine communications from CVG Family Law Ltd, when in fact they are not and have been sent by an unknown and unrelated third party as a scam. If you are in any doubt about a communication you have received please do not respond and do not open any attachments. You should speak with your contact at the firm or contact us at [email protected]

By informing us of any concerns you will help us to reduce the risk of fraudulent activity.


Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our CVG Family Law FAQ section. We understand that legal matters involving your family can be complex and emotionally challenging. To help you get started, we've compiled answers to some of the most common questions our clients ask.

What areas of Family Law do you specialise in?

We are specialist Family Lawyers dedicated to and passionate about advising and representing those most in need. That includes domestic abuse victims, both male and female. We specialise in domestic abuse, Private Children Law, divorce and financial matters upon divorce or separation. Our Private Children Law cases include advising and assisting our clients in reaching agreements that work for them and their children, both outside of court, through to representing clients in Children Act court proceedings that involve allegations of domestic abuse both to the parent we are representing, and also the children. We will also represent those wrongly accused of domestic abuse. Our work in relation to financial matters can be part of divorce proceedings and unmarried clients. We act for high net worth individuals as well as those who are in receipt of benefits and are struggling to make ends meet. We also work closely with local mediators to provide legal advice to parties within that process.

How long does it take to get divorced?

Since April 2022 the law changed so that there is no longer a need for one party to blame the other for the breakdown of the marriage, or to wait a period of 2 years to apply for divorce without expressing fault. The new system, known as the no-fault based divorce, has made the process much easier for parties. The application is either made by one party, or jointly. It is also much harder to successfully contest a divorce. The quickest possible time for the divorce application to be finalised would be around 6 months. On average, however, there are usually child arrangements to agree upon and also financial matters to be decided between you before you finalise the divorce. Therefore the average divorce is more likely to take around 2 years from separation.

Do I need a lawyer for my Family Law case?

A family breakdown is an extremely emotional and difficult time for anyone to go through. Whilst you can represent yourself in relation to children proceedings and also financial proceedings in the court, or attend mediation or another alternative dispute resolution method to resolve your dispute, it is always going to be to your advantage to obtain specialist Family Law advice. An experienced and specialist solicitor can significantly improve your chances of a favourable outcome in every case, but even more so in especially complex cases or those involving children.

How are child arrangements determined by the court?

The child’s welfare is at the focus of all advice we give and decisions the court makes. There is a welfare checklist embodied in the Children Law Act 1989 which we consider when giving you advice on the arrangements for your children. It places paramount importance on safeguarding the child’s well-being, emphasising their physical, emotional and educational needs. These include, but are not limited to, each parent’s ability to safely care for the child and meet their needs and the child’s relationship with each parent, including any potential risks each parent may pose. The child’s wishes and feelings are also taken into account in varying degrees depending on their age and capabilities / vulnerabilities.

I’m really frightened about leaving my partner as I do not know anything about your financial position – what if I cannot afford to live without him / her?

It is very common and normal to have this fear. We will focus our initial free telephone consultation on providing you with an overview of your rights in relation to financial matters on the breakdown of your marriage or relationship. Believe us when we say that at the end of the "process" you will feel financially independent and capable of moving forward on your own.

I think I am a victim of domestic abuse but I have never been hit before, its just psychological and financial - can you help me? Will anyone listen?

All forms of domestic abuse are as serious and damaging as each other. We are specialists in this field and recognise that you may not see the extent of the harm you have suffered. You may not feel you can leave or live without your abuser. We work closely with social services, police, schools and domestic abuse support services to provide you with the support, courage and confidence to know that you can take this step and move forward towards being a survivor. We will ensure you have the protection in place you need from the outset and throughout your case. Nothing will shock us and you will be heard.

I am going to mediation with my soon to be ex-spouse, do I need a lawyer?

Mediation is a great way to resolve disputes for the right cases. We will always consider using alternative dispute resolution methods in every case as it can often resolve matters quicker, at less cost and assist in future positive co-parenting relationships. However, it is not safe or appropriate for everyone. If you do want to try mediation, then we will advise you inbetween sessions and then convert the agreement you reach into a legal document for the court to approve. Mediators are unable to give you advice and are instead there to facilitate agreements between you both. They are unable to draft the required legal documents or submit them to court on your behalf. Therefore it is imperative you seek legal advice on the side. We offer fixed fee arrangements in these circumstances so please do enquire about that with us.

Book a call directly with me

07984 782 713

89 High St, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1XP